There is plenty of precautionary measures you can take to ensure you stay safe when tackling an interior painting project.
Are you a novice when it comes to interior painting? People don’t realize that are quite a few safety hazards when it comes to a standard interior painting project. Believe it or not, there are plenty of people who harm themselves every year trying to paint. There are plenty of precautionary measures you can take to ensure that you stay safe. Here are some safety tips that should help you with your next painting project.
Protect Your Skin
This is mostly in reference to your hands. It is important that at you use the appropriate gloves when tackling an interior painting job. If you are going to be sanding, you are going to want to wear leather or cloth gloves. If you are going to be using a solvent-resistant product, you will need to be wearing solvent-resistant chemical gloves.
Protect Your Eyes
It always a good idea to wear protective eyewear while painting. You could either opt for a face mask, goggles, or glasses. This is especially true if you are painting a ceiling because paint may end up dripping on your face.
Protect Your Lungs
There is no reason why you should be breathing in paint fumes when you don’t need to. To avoid this, all you need to do is wear a mask when painting. You will also want to wear a mask when you are sanding any surfaces because you also don’t want to breathe in any wood/dust particles.
Some painting jobs require the usage of a ladder. If you are going to use a ladder, you will want to be sure to inspect it ahead of time. Check and make sure the ladder was designed to support your weight and there aren’t any substances on it that could cause you to slip. It is also a good idea to have someone at the base of the ladder to hold it
Paint Sprayers
You need to be extremely careful when using paint sprayers. Paint gets shot out at a tremendous speed and can easily cause injury. It should go without saying that you should never point the nozzle at yourself or anybody else.
Get In Touch With Columbia Paint Company Today
Columbia Paint Company is happy to help you choose the perfect color for your painting project and offer you tips for every step of the way. Not sure how to make sure your siding, trim, and accent colors match? Need to see the paints you loved online in person? Schedule an appointment today by calling 443-319-4001 or visiting us online. For more painting tips and updates, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Houzz, YouTube, and Pinterest!